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『Pulp III: A Short Biography of the Banished Book』
トークショー: 『メイキング・オブ・シンガポール・パビリオン2022』
トーク: 『Talking Leaves』、『Pulp Vol. III』の背景
トークショー: 『Talking Leaves by Shubigi Rao』
監督のシュビキ・ラオ、『Talking Leaves』のサウンドデザイナーを務めたザイ・タンが、映画制作者カーステン・タン、アジア・フィルム・アーカイブエグゼクティブディレクターのカレン・チャンと談話します。
『Pulp III: A Short Biography of the Banished Book』に関する詳細については、こちらをクリックしてください。
ロイドレジスター財団がアートサイエンス・ミュージアムおよびシンガポール国立大学Institute for the Public Understanding of Riskと共同で主催するシンポジウムです。
トークショー: 『ヘッドスペース』
『MENTAL: Colours of Wellbeing』のオープニングイベントとして企画された「トークショー: 『ヘッドスペース』」。同展の研究者、アーティスト、キュレーターが集まり、習慣、アドボカシー活動、実体験を通したメンタルヘルスとウェルビーイングに関するさまざまな視点についてディスカッションを行います。
トークショー: 『In the Company of Trees』
アートサイエンス・ミュージアムでの『We Live in an Ocean of Air』公開に際して企画された、樹木のアートとサイエンスを徹底的に掘り下げるミニシンポジウム。
Net Zero Is Not Enough: Cesar Jung-HaradaとSarah Ichioka
Cesar Jung-HaradaとSarah Ichiokaが、体系的で構造的な変化を促進する上でのデザイナーと再生デザインの不可欠な役割について話し合います。
Hope from Chaos: In Conversation with Professor Lam Yeng Ming
Professor Lam Yeng Ming (Chair of the School of Materials Science and Engineering at NTU Singapore) shares strategies in nanotechnology that can be repurposed to act against COVID-19, as well as sustainability-driven innovation in materials science that draws on the research of NTU scientists.
Hope from Chaos: In Conversation with Luke Jerram
Luke Jerram shares how his Glass Microbiology artworks question the global impact of deadly diseases, challenging observers to reconsider their view of viruses and pathogens.
Hope from Chaos: In Conversation with Cao Fei
Chinese contemporary artist Cao Fei discusses how her work, Isle of Instability, responds at a personal level to her time living under pandemic lockdown with her family.
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Radical Curiosity: Curators in Dialogue with Rosa Pera and José Luis de Vicente
Presented by Rosa Pera and José Luis de Vicente (guest curators of Radical Curiosity), the inaugural lecture takes us through the universe of the unclassifiable investigator and visionary who, throughout the 20th century, foresaw the major crises of the 21st century.
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The Future is Always First an Idea – Charu Kokate
Charu Kokate (Partner at Safdie Architects and Director of the Singapore office), who led on and oversaw the construction of iconic and complex structures including Marina Bay Sands Integrated Resort, Jewel Changi Airport and Sky Habitat Residential Towers, headlines the second session in an online talks series accompanying Radical Curiosity: In the Orbit of Buckminster Fuller.
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Remembering Fuller with Datuk Seri Lim Chong Keat
Pioneer architect Datuk Seri Lim Chong Keat unfolds the regional story of Buckminster Fuller through the more than decade-long friendship which they shared.
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6 Oct, 4pm
Orchestral Manoeuvres: Curators in Dialogue with Adrian George and Amita Kirpalani
Join the curators of Orchestral Manoeuvres: See Sound. Feel Sound. Be Sound for an in-depth look at the themes and ideas explored in this exhibition that expands how we think about, experience and understand sound.
Adrian George
(Director, Exhibitions and Museum Services at ArtScience Museum)
Amita Kirpalani
(Curator at ArtScience Museum)
6 Sep, 10am
Games as a Medium for Artistic Expression
Hear from Kevin Prior, Senior Lecturer in Game Software Design and Production, as he shares about how art and science can create immersive and emotional forms of storytelling. His talk will cover the history of games as expressive media, the main components that make games a unique and interesting medium, and some challenges and opportunities those who wish to pursue this medium may face.
7 Sep, 8pm – 9.15pm
Panel Discussion with DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore Alumni
Hear from DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore alumni as they discuss easy and accessible ways to approach game development.
In this panel discussion, they will share stories and challenges faced in their personal journey and how everyone can be a game designer!
10 Sep
ABCs of Healthy Video Gaming
Learn about the benefits of video gaming while debunking common misconceptions with Elyna, and Pauline from SOOS OIO!
13 Sep, 10am
Games as a Medium for Expressing Cultural Values
Cultural values and socio-political implications of games are important topics of discussions for the fields of humanities and social sciences. As educators at DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore, Ms Shanthina and Dr. Sim Jiaying encourage students to make games that consider social issues and increase cultural awareness.
14 & 15 Sep, 3pm – 5pm
Future Gaming Conference
Join us to explore how videogames are changing the world right now and discuss transformative ideas that are shaping the future of one of the most exciting media.
27 Jul, 8pm
Expanded Realities Conversations with Daniel Birnbaum and Honor Harger
Join us to imagine the future possibilities of contemporary art and technology as we explore how extended reality is transforming museums in inexplicable ways.
13 Jul, 8pm
Expanded Realities Conversations with Robin McNicholas and Sarah Ellis
Discover how creative directors and producers are working in blended reality spaces and creating new paradigms for how immersive storytelling can be experienced.
17 Jun, 8pm
Expanded Realities Conversations with Tetsuya Mizuguchi and Patrick Moran
Join us to explore how videogames are evolving beyond the screen and introducing new encounters that connect virtual and physical worlds in extraordinary ways.
10 Mar, 8pm - 9pm
Join us in the concluding Climate Conversations talk featuring prominent ecologist and President of Nature Society (Singapore), Dr Shawn Kaihekulani Yamauchi Lum. He will share about the efforts by Nature Society focused on marine conservation and coastal clean-up, and how we can play a role in protecting our marine environments and biodiversity.
6 Oct, 8.30pm
The series launched with a talk by Cynthia Doumbia (Director, International Exhibitions at National Geographic Society), who spoke about how this multi-year initiative harnesses storytelling to tackle the global plastic waste crisis and effect meaningful change.
20 Oct, 5pm
Intan Suci Nurhati (senior researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences’ Research Center for Oceanography and National Geographic Explorer) highlighted issues in plastics management and her recent research work on the rising tide of pandemic-driven plastic waste.
26 Nov, 5pm
Mandy Barker (photographer and National Geographic Explorer), whose work involving marine plastic debris has received global recognition, shared how she has been working alongside marine scientists to transform data on ocean plastics into arresting collages of pollution.
26 Jan, 5pm
Renowned conservation scientist Lian Pin Koh (Director of the Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions at National University of Singapore) joins us in the penultimate talk to speak about how a better understanding of the potential and limits of nature-based climate solutions is needed to help inform our climate policy and investment decisions.
28 Sep, 4pm
Parents, educators and practitioners come together in Learning from Home Roundtable to share their experiences of at-home learning during COVID-19 lockdown. Join us as we discuss how this period of disruption is presenting opportunities to respond to new perspectives on parenting, teaching and learning beyond the pandemic.
Sanveen Kang (Principal Clinical Psychologist at Psych Connect)
Bob Lee (Photographer, founder of The Fat Farmer and autism advocate)
Cherie Lim Tseng (editor with The Birthday Collective)
Victor Lim Fei (Assistant Professor at National Institute of Education)
Elaine Ng (co-founder of The Learning Connections)
15 Sep, 5pm
Artist Talk: Sara Wookey
How do our bodies navigate the many invisible rules of the public space sometimes without us even noticing? Join us as dance artist and researcher Sara Wookey considers how our bodies relate to space around us and if the new safe distancing choreography of the public space might have changed the way we move forever.
23 Jul
Artist Talk: Blast Theory
UK-based Blast Theory creates interactive art that reveals the interconnectedness of cultural, scientific, and political issues. Join us as two of the artists from Blast Theory, Matt Adams and Nick Tandavanitj, discuss recent works relating to the flu epidemic in 1918 and SARS in 2003 that have renewed resonance in today’s pandemic world.
9 June:
Livestream session at 4pm
As Singapore eases out of isolation, join us in a livestream roundtable with industry panellists as they reflect on how the circuit breaker is offering a pivotal moment to reframe conversations around access and inclusion.
Paul Adams, Learning & Engagement Manager, Singapore Repertory Theatre
Serene Goh, Senior Programme Executive, Creative Services, Singapore Association for Mental Health
Grace Lee Khoo, Founder and Creative Development Director of Access Path Productions
Jean Loo, Co-Founder of Superhero Me